What You Should Know About Laser Eye Surgery After Cataract Removal
When you have had surgery to remove cataracts, you may think that all of your eye woes and troubles are long behind you. However, this is not always the case. There are some people who need additional eye treatments and surgeries after they have had cataracts removed and artificial lenses implanted. Get to know some of the important facts that you should know and consider regarding laser eye surgery after cataract removal so you can be sure you know what you are getting into and what you can expect from the process. That way, you do not need to be so worried or concerned about the next eye surgery you will go through.
Many Patients That Have Had Cataract Surgery Develop Films Or Other Issues
It is not uncommon for patients that have gone through cataract surgery to develop complications later. In fact, many patients develop films over their new lenses or other issues that require laser surgery to correct and eradicate. You do not need to feel as if you are alone in this process.
The need for more eye surgery after having cataracts removed is also not indicative that your new lens is defective or damaged. It simply means that when your eye healed, scar tissue and protective tissues developed that were not necessarily desired. These problems are easy enough to remedy and fix.
The Procedure Is Quick And Easy To Recover From
Post-cataract laser eye surgery is a quick and easy procedure and the recovery is also quite simple. Just before the procedure, your eye doctor will place a protective sterile eye shield from a place like Kolberg Ocular Supplies, INC. over the eye not being operated on and will give you a light anesthetic so you are still awake but sedated and relaxed.
They will aim the laser at the film or other growth and use it to swiftly remove the problematic tissues. Generally, the laser surgery after a cataract removal is even briefer than the original surgery. It is done as an outpatient procedure which means you will be able to go home to rest within a few short hours or less. Your vision will be sensitive and blurry for a day or two after the procedure and it is necessary to where a sterile eye shield over your eye while you sleep for one or two nights to allow your eye to properly heal.
With these factors in mind, you will be prepared for your laser eye surgery after cataract surgery.