Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy

3 Keys For Vaginal Rejuvenation

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When you are thinking about improving your sex life and want to get a bit of work done, consider vaginal rejuvenation as an option. There are a lot of professionals, like those at Refined Dermatology, who handle this sort of work. There are also plenty of procedures that you can turn to when you’d like to improve your vagina. The tips below will set you on the right track so that you’re able to get the vaginal rejuvenation work that you need the most. Read More»

How Sclerotherapy Makes The Body Do Amazing Things

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Sclerotherapy is the medical name given to varicose vein injections for the treatment of varicose veins. The human body does amazing things when it is forced to compensate for something that is gone or does not work. Sclerotherapy plays a very big part in making the human body respond in an amazing way.  The Varicose and Spider Veins Varicose and spider veins develop for a number of reasons; obesity, stress, and strain during childbirth, damage to original blood vessels in the legs, etc. Read More»

Three Ways To Keep Allergen Exposure Under Control

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When most people think of allergies, they think of the usual telltale symptoms of sneezing and watery, itchy eyes, typically caused by things like spring pollen in the air or pet dander. However, in some allergy sufferers, the symptoms can be far more severe, triggering instead of repeated sneezing an asthma attack. Your physician can prescribe treatments to help reduce your symptoms and the severity of an attack, but there are some steps you can take to reduce your allergen exposure to begin with. Read More»

3 FAQs When It Comes to Adult Stem Cell Therapy

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Also known as regenerative medicine, adult stem cell therapy is a promising type of medicine that has the potential to treat disease and heal certain types of injuries. To help you better understand adult stem therapy, here are the answers to three frequently asked questions. What Are Stem Cells? Did you know that there are over 200 different types of cells in the human body? These cells are categorized as either unspecialized or specialized. Read More»

What To Expect At Your Child's Four-Month Pediatrician Visit

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By the time your child has reached the age of four months, you’ll likely be pretty used to bringing your child into the pediatrician’s office for routine check-ups. However, to help quell your anxiety a bit, it can be helpful to have a better idea of what to expect when you arrive at the pediatrician’s office with your four-month-old! Plotting on the Growth Chart One of the first things your pediatrician will likely do is to have you undress your baby so he or she can be weighed and measured in a variety of ways. Read More»