Whether you’re moving to a new town or you recently gave birth, you’ll need to find a pediatrician. Since a pediatrician is responsible for recommending and coordinating specialists for their tiny patients, it is important that parents of special needs children work with a pediatrician they trust. There are a few tips you can utilize to make sure you partner with the pediatrician who has your child’s best interests at heart. Read More»
Why visit an urgent care center? Well, there are plenty of reasons. But maybe you’re not sure what the advantages are. Maybe you’ve always called your family doctor, or you think the ER is the place to go. Those are both completely appropriate options in many cases. Even though there are times when making an appointment with your doctor or taking a trip to the emergency department are definitely needed, some injuries and illnesses are treatable at an urgent care center. Read More»
Are you experiencing pain along the top of your foot that seems most pronounced to the outside of your foot, along the side? Chances are, you’re dealing with a condition known as dorsal compression syndrome. Though it’s most common in athletes like runners and soccer players, it can also appear in those who spend many hours a day on their feet. Here’s a closer look.
What is dorsal compression syndrome, and what causes it? Read More»
As a first-time parent, when your child starts school the experience can be exciting and nerve-wracking. You may be even more nerve-wracked when you realize the host of germs they bring home. There are some common ailments you can expect as your child becomes adjusted to interacting with other children and coming into contact with communicable diseases.
Stomach Bugs
Unfortunately, stomach bugs can spread through your house like a wildfire. Even though your little one is miserable, the bright side is children often get over stomach troubles quicker than adults. Read More»
If you or your child has a vision problem, then you may try to seek out as many treatments as possible to help your son or daughter. In your search for a treatment, you may have learned about vision therapy. Vision therapy is a treatment conducted by a doctor to help the visual system correct itself. This occurs through a series of activities and the eyes are then strengthened. Visual acuity is assisted greatly through the use of vision therapy. Read More»