Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy

Over 40 With Poor Vision: Why Can't You See Close Up And At A Distance?

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If you’re over 40 years of age and can’t see things perfectly up close and at a distance, even when you wear eyeglasses, you may wonder if you’ll lose your eyesight. Although a good number of adults experience problems seeing things up close after they turn 40 years of age, your eyes should still be relatively healthy enough to see at other distances. Your vision aids should also help keep your eyes clear. Read More»

Frustrated With Weight Loss Efforts That Seem To Go Nowhere? Could Chiropractic Treatment Help?

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Whether you’ve spent your entire life battling to keep your weight under control or have recently found that the benefits of aging can include a dramatically decreased metabolism, you may be wondering whether there are any options you may not have yet considered when it comes to losing weight (as well as keeping it off long-term). Chiropractic treatment has long been thought of as a way for those with back or neck problems to find relief; however, having regular chiropractic adjustments may have a surprising effect on your weight loss efforts. Read More»

Factors To Consider When Selecting A Primary Care Physician

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If you are moving, changing your health insurance or are simply unhappy with your current doctor, you may be looking for a new primary care physician. As you search for a new doctor, there are many factors to consider. Some of the most obvious include whether the doctor takes your insurance, their location, their experience and how comfortable you feel talking to them. However, there are many other factors that you need to consider as well. Read More»

Four Decisions To Make When Choosing A Stair Lift For Your Home

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If the time has come to get a stair lift for your home, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are so many different brands and models that picking between them can feel impossible. Instead of just endlessly browsing through your options, a better way to approach this situation is to make a list of the features you need in a stair lift and then only look at models that offer those features. Read More»

Why You Should Visit An Urgent Care Center If You Have The Flu

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The flu is a nasty virus that can come on suddenly. While it typically is not hazardous for your health, it can leave you feeling miserable and tired for a number of days. The typical types of flu bugs that go around will usually go away on their own; however, if you visit a doctor quickly, you might be able to get medication that will help reduce the length of time this common illness affects the way you feel. Read More»