Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy

Diseases Caused By Dental Implants: Taking A Look At Peri Implant Mucositis

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The dental implant and prosthetic market within the U.S. is projected to reach at least $6.4 billion by 2018. With over 3 million Americans already having dental implants installed and another 500,000 Americans getting dental implants each year, it is safe to say that dental implants are quickly becoming the number one recommended solution for those who are missing a tooth. The installation of dental implants comes with some risks. In particular, this article will take a look at the disease known as peri implant mucositis. Read More»

After The Ultrasound: Acheiving Emotional Stability After Finding Out Your Baby Has A Disability

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The twenty week ultrasound is routine for pregnant women. You’re excited to see baby on the screen, excited to find out what color you should paint the nursery, and excited to hear that all is good and well with the person growing inside you. But what happens when the doctor discovers that all is not well? You’ll begin to rearrange your vision of the future. You’ll need to start making different plans. Read More»

Restoring The Youthful Appearance Of Your Neck And Hands

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As you age, your skin begins to lose collagen – the firm, elastic protein that helps make babies’ skin so soft and smooth. Menopause will often accelerate this process, leaving your skin looking thin and drawn. While these changes on your face can be masked with makeup and a good night’s rest, your hands and neck aren’t so fortunate. What can you do to restore a more youthful appearance to these areas? Read More»

3 Different Types Of Chiropractic Adjustments To Try When Traditional Manipulation Isn't Working

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Traditional manipulation is the cornerstone of chiropractic care, and it can provide excellent pain relief and a greater range of motion. However, in rare cases, manipulation doesn’t achieve the desired effects. In other cases, patients may not be good candidates for manipulation. Here are 3 different types of chiropractic adjustments to try when traditional manipulation isn’t working for you, or it’s contraindicated for your particular health conditions.  1. Adjustments With a Drop Table  Read More»

Which Comes First: Braces Or Dental Implants?

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According to some studies, up to 70 percent of people have misaligned teeth and about 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Therefore, it’s not surprising that some people experience an overlap of the two issues. However, both problems can easily be fixed with braces and dental implants, but which procedure should you get done first? The answer is that it depends on your particular situation. The Immovable Nature of Dental Implants Read More»