Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy

5 Facts You Should Know About Jaw Surgery

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You may need jaw surgery to correct a jaw disorder that was caused by an injury, a congenital condition, or problems with your dental health. Jaw surgery can also correct misalignment issues with your top and bottom teeth and may additionally be needed to remove a cyst or tumor. If you think you might need jaw surgery or just want to know more about the procedure for reference, these five facts can give you a better idea of what jaw surgery entails. Read More»

Essential Benefits Of Hair Drug Testing

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Drug testing is used in various sectors, including sports, employment, monitoring treatment and misuse of prescription drugs, and in the legal field to obtain evidence. The common endgame is ascertaining whether people taking the tests are dangerous to themselves and the people around them. Depending on their purpose, these tests may be taken randomly or at scheduled intervals.  While various methods of conducting the tests exist, hair drug testing presents the most advantages. Read More»

3 Effective Ways To Treat Elbow Pain

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Elbow pain is a painful condition that may likely affect the overall health of your arm. It stems from repeated straining and incorrect movements of the elbow joints, especially when doing daily activities, such as household chores. It can also result from trauma, infection, or autoimmune diseases like arthritis. As such, you must seek appropriate management and treatment for your elbow pain. Ultimately, for most patients, depending on the severity and extent of the elbow pain, pain management can include incorporating home remedy techniques, physical therapy, medications, and surgery to relieve the pain. Read More»

Can You Protect Yourself Against HIV?

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If you worry about getting HIV, you may wonder if you can protect yourself from it. HIV, or the human immunodeficiency virus, affects people all over the world. Although many people take precautions against the disease, the virus may still infect some people. You can protect yourself from HIV with the information below. How Does HIV Affect You? The human immunodeficiency virus spreads through sexual contact with an infected individual. The virus may also transmit to people exposed to infected blood, breast milk, and other bodily fluids. Read More»

Addiction Development And Recovery

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Addiction Development and Recovery  Addiction is a complex brain disorder of uncontrolled and continuous craving for something then using it despite its bad effects on the physical or mental health. Addiction causes long-lasting changes in the brain and causes mental illness. When do you get addicted to something? Addiction does not happen overnight. Addiction develops in stages, the first step being experimenting with the substance or drug for the first time. Read More»