Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy

Before You Jump Into Summer, Heed Warnings About The Jump In Skin Cancer Cases

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Ah, summer. Regardless of where you live, it’s the season during which you yearn for activities drenched in sunshine. For many people, it is the season of suntanning. Who doesn’t see the attraction of skin darkened by the sun’s rays, shown off in shorts or pretty dresses? However, a dark shadow lurks over the sun’s beckoning warmth. Skin cancer rates are skyrocketing in this country despite years of public service warnings about the importance of sunscreen protection. Read More»

5 Things You Should Note Before Taking Your Baby To A Dermatologist

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If your baby frequently develops minor rashes or is suffering from a persistent rash that will not go away, you should take him or her to a dermatologist. A dermatologist should be able to prescribe proper medication that will offer your baby immediate relief from their rash and may also be able to determine the root cause of the rash to prevent future outbreaks. However, to make a proper diagnosis, your dermatologist will need thorough information regarding your baby’s habits and exposure to various items. Read More»

Keep Your Broken-Boned Kid Content Without Shattering Your Sanity

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Do you have a child with a broken bone? If so, you have lots of company. About half of all boys and a quarter of girls break a bone during their formative years. In fact, fractures account for 15% of all childhood injuries. Wrists are the most likely area of a child’s body to suffer a fracture. Fractures, usually caused by falls, are the 4th most common type of injury for kids under six. Read More»

Important Tips For Maintain Your Baby's Oral Health And Hygiene

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Your baby’s first tooth is often accompanied by warm feelings, celebration, and bite marks on any low-lying furniture. What most people don’t associate with that milestone is the beginning of oral hygiene and health habits. However, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests that you should bring your child in for their first visit when this first tooth appears–or no later than their first birthday. This time also marks the moment when you need to consider the oral health of your child. Read More»

Don't Fall For These Back Pain Myths: Truths You Need To Know

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When it comes to persistent low back pain, the myths about causes and treatment are almost as widespread as the occurrence of the condition itself. Before you come to any incorrect conclusions about your back pain, it’s in your best interest to understand the most common myths that you’re likely to hear and the plain truth behind them. Here’s a look at several myths that you may have heard about back pain and the truths that you need to know. Read More»